Princess Eris English Patch

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May 12, 2014 - Amaane Makai Princess Eris wa Eroicha Haramizuma! -Suki na Dake Dashite Zenbu. Language English. Souta is a pervert, there.


Demon Girl Pro
Jun 24, 2012
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Re: [RJ161447] Ordeal of Princess Eris
first picture: i think you must become 'friendly with the resistance' it mean's that you need to do the four events with the pink-haired girl (fight against slime girl)/ the warrior woman (fight against the ghost girl) the witch (fight against a fairy girl) / the black-haired buy (fight in the ruined castle against succubus) and then go save the blond-haired girl in the dungeon ( which is full east) Then you got an event in the tavern and you can talk to this guy to clear the path
Second picture: when you have done the quest i described earlier, then the guards are removed too.
Third picture: i don't know how you managed to get here without removing this sparkle. I had to fight a boss and it removed it.
Fourth picture: You need to do the quest i described first and then to beat the three women you encountered (pink-haired/warrior/witch)
Fifth picture: It seems that you got the choice to save/don't save some characters in this game. When i entered this cave, i lost against the thief too many times that i couldn't save the blond girl (and i coudln't fight the thief again.) When i came back later after doing the quest of the first picture, there was more ennemies and talking to one of them unlocked this door. However this place is wierd, really weird.
At least for the third pic, I think it's because he used the crystal right outside town to teleport there. That crystal was supposed to be a debug tool which the author forgot to remove from the 1.00 release version, and breaks all sorts of flags in regards to story and events.

I really want to thank you guys for the support, without it. I don't think I would get as far as I have. Well maybe... but I care about your comments and what you think towards this story. Well, it's a good thing to see that we are now in the part of probably one of my top ten favorite parts of this story. Don't worry; we will get to that part.

So folks this is where Groom and Bride will probably divert into a separate story for the moment. Now, when I say that I don't mean that Groom of Eris will be nothing like Bride of Discord; I am merely saying that due to Eris being a girl that she won't copy nearly everything that Discord does. I am not trying to step on Disney Fanatic 2364's toes. I am not trying to say that Bride of Discord isn't a good story. I just don't want to copy everything from it. There may be similar scenes and stuff, yet this will have its own flow as well. So, in the end I want to give everyone a chance to enjoy both stories as their own and also being similar as well. So, enjoy the read.

Hi: Well, I can't say that Groom of Eris is better than Bride of Discord. Think of it like a remake and an original version. The new one may have great things about it, but you can't say it beats the original. Sometimes it does and some times it does. Well, that's sort of the relationship Groom and Bride share. No matter how much different I try to make it, Bride of Discord will always be the greater story. That's a pure fact.

Guest: I guess you are right, but like I said above. No matter what I will do, Bride of Discord will be the better story. Not trying to say that I don't like the story.

Disclaimer: I don't own My Little Pony. I don't own the Gender Swap ponies either.

Chapter Seven: The Arrangement

Butterscotch was rounding on the couch as he wasn't sure where he was at the moment. His memory was very fuzzy; like that time he drank too much Apple cider.

'Where…Am…I' He raised a brow as he tries to put the pieces together of what transpired in the last few hours.

'I remember…the Princes being in danger…the deal…Zicoro…Eris' Butterscotch slowly spoke before realizing the truth of his ordeal 'I'm engaged to the goddess of Chao'

Suddenly, a cloud of smoke came in front of him as the draconeqqus holding her hands together and smiled 'You summoned me, my master'

Princess Eris English Patch Download

Butterscotch froze seeing her floating towards him. Her smile scared him so much.

'I am sorry if I woke you my dear. I thought you called my name' Eris giggled as Butterscotch was shaking in his hooves.

'Um…no…not really' Butterscotch took a gulp of saliva to calm himself down. He needed to be brave.

'I see' Eris grimed 'Now is not time for talking, we must make plans'

'Plans for what' Butterscotch was confused

'Our wedding; we need to plan this wedding of ours if we ever want to be married'

'That reminds me, when exactly is the wedding' Butterscotch asked nervously.

'It could be in a year…a few months…couples of weeks…a few days' Eris kept thinking of when their wedding would take place. She smirked 'Why wait? Let's have it tomorrow'

'Tommorow' Butterscotch's eyes were widening at the date of the wedding that was showing up in front of his eyes.

'Oh don't be so dramatic. Most stallions want to be married in a hurry. I am shocked that you are not one that does' Eris smirked 'But it's time to pick out your suit'

She snapped her fingers and made a room of mirrors appear around Butterscotch. The Pegasus found himself wearing suit after suit seeing Eris snapping her fingers to see what was to be fit her intended; every single snap made Butterscotch's eyes hurt. He couldn't concentrate properly. The room was spinning around.

Eris finally stopped her snapping as she found the perfect attire for her husband to be. It was the usual black suit with a black interior. A red rose was planted on the collar of the suit. She even included a nice top hat to go with it. She grinned with happiness. 'Perfect'

'You look absolutely dashing in that suit. I mean I didn't think a stallion with your caliber would ever look nice in such a suit…' Eris rambling on about their wedding plans.

'Eris…' Butterscotch spoke with his usual low tone. The ears of Eris didn't seem to notice him.

'O and we will have flowers, music, lights, ohhhh. We could get married in the forest' Eris rambling on not hearing the pleas of Butterscotch.

'Eris' Butterscotch spoke a little louder, but was still hearing her talking about their plans of the wedding.

'Oh, we probably need to plan an after party and we would need a Prince or Princess to marry us to make it official' Eris rubbed her chin smiling at her planning of the wedding.

'ERIS' Butterscotch finally got his Fiancée's attention.

'Yes' Eris smiled at him

'Don't you think with all this planning that we are rushing things a little bit' Butterscotch said nervously.

'Let me think about it….Nope' She ignored his concerns.

'But a wedding takes a long while to plan, months even, to come up with half the things you want to have. All the calls we would have to make, all the guests we would have to gather, all the physical and emotional stress we would be under' Butterscotch looked down trying to process all that it would take for their wedding to be.

'Oh it will be just fine. I can just summon all that we need in seconds' Eris winked

'There is also another thing' Butterscotch walked to a mirror. Eris was confused for a moment. Butterscotch imagined a mare next to him as he closed his eyes. 'I always thought when I was to be married. I would learn about the mare that I would spend the rest of my life with. Laughing together, spending as much time as I could to know her, Sharing memories and counting the days until that big moment happens where we vow to be loyal, respectful, and happy with the one I love to have and to hold until death do we part'

'O lovely dovely blah blah blah' Eris shook her head and mimicked Butterscotch's words using her eagle claw 'Why should I listen to you about this'

Butterscotch glared 'As I recalled, you said you would give me whatever I wanted'

Princess Eris English Patch

'O yea, I did say something along those lines' Eris realizing her double-edged sword words.

'I want to get to know you better. In order to do so we must postpone the wedding' Butterscotch said without a doubt.

'Postpone the wedding? What you are asking for is impossible' Eris was flabbergasted as she tried to convince him otherwise.

'If you ever want this thing to work between us, then I suggest we get to know one another better. So postpone the wedding or there won't be one' Butterscotch was stubborn as a mule about it.

Eris growled and groaned as she was quickly losing her temper with Butterscotch's demands. She stopped herself and then breathed in and out for a moment to allow herself to think things through. Its ok Eris, we will get him soon. Let's play his little game first.

'You are right Butterscotch' She snapped her fingers removing Butterscotch's suit, top hat, and the mirrors. She looked upon him. 'No need to rush things between us. In fact let's strike another deal'

'Another deal' he questioned

'I will postpone the wedding for now…' Eris smiled raising her finger.

'Until…'Butterscotch became curious with this deal

'I will ask you a single question. If I don't get the answer I require, then I will keep asking until I do' Eris looked toward Butterscotch

'…and if I do give you that very answer' Butterscotch was really nervous upon what would happen then.

'Just think of it as the night before our wedding' She gave him a simple smile and a pat on his head. 'So, who's hungry?'

'Well I haven't ate anything in a while' Butterscotch held his growling stomach.

'Good, let's see what I have in the kitchen' She floated towards the kitchen looking at her new guest.

Butterscotch had a bad feeling about the arrangement.


'Of all the dirty deeds that Thing has done, this has got to be the dirtiest trick she has ever pulled' Prince Artemis was being angry after hearing about what has happened to Butterscotch.

'To think that he would sacrificed himself for us' Gleaming Shield said before buried herself in Prince Tempo's shoulder.

'I motion we go to confront Eris and force her to give back Butterscotch' Prince Artemis was about to storm out of the castle to confront the draconeqqus.

'No brother' Prince Solaris held his hoof to his brother and then looked to his subjects that were in the room with them 'They made a deal with Eris. We have to honor that deal no matter what.'

'But, Butterscotch…you can't be serious about this. You know that witch as much as I do. She will eat him alive.' Artemis slowly saw the doom that would befall young Butterscotch.

'I have fault you' Dusk Shine looked down in sadness feeling his world is falling apart.

'Oh and how is that' Solaris was confused by Dusk Shine's words.

'It was my fault that I let things get out of hoof. It's my fault that one of my best friends was taken by that monster and one of my friends is having a nervous break down' Dusk shine pointed to Bubbleberry.

'Oh no Butterscotch is gone….Then she will take Peppermint….then Mint chocolate chip…then Chocolate chip cookie dough….No not Chocolate chip cookie dough' Bubbleberry started to overreact through his tears.

'I got him' Exclusive rising his hoof and sighed as he walked over to calm down the pink stallion.

'You haven't failed me Dusk shine, these things happen all of the time. We just need to see if Butterscotch can handle Eris' Solaris looked to the ceiling.

'So what will happen' Barbara worried

'For now we must move on with our lives and hope dear Butterscotch will have enough to fight through Eris's schemes. It is unclear what she plans next. Until she does, we must be ready for whatever she has to throw at us' Solaris announced 'I just hope Butterscotch is alright'

The others were about to protest but they understood that moving on is what they could do. Dusk shine wasn't going to give up so easily.


PrincessPrincess Eris English Patch

'Well that could have gone better' Eris carries Butterscotch out of the cotton candy filled kitchen.

'Well, I think the cotton candy maker was a nice gesture, but I think I will stick to lettuce' Butterscotch tried to smile, but Eris notices his resistance to her.

Eris approaches a room that Butterscotch couldn't take many of the things that levitated off the ground and was rotating like the Earth.

'Is this my room' Butterscotch feared

'No, that is my room' Eris sighed 'this is your room. I know how you ponies feel about gravity'

Butterscotch explored the room with his eyes seeing the green wallpaper, the curtains that looked liked they haven't been dusted in years. He was glad that she kept the furniture like it was and not like her room.

'Umm can you pleases umm put me down' Butterscotch asked nicely

'O sorry' Eris complied with Butterscotch as she put him down on the bed as she started to go over his room.

'Well, I made the floor into grass just how you like it. I made the curtains out of Spider webs. I even installed a fridge so you can eat whatever you want, if you want it, it will be in here. I even put in a radio so you can listen to whatever you feel comfortable with listening to. You even have a great view of' Eris opened the curtains and quickly closes it.

'Well, it's not a great view but some view is better than no view right' Eris tried to force a grin upon herself but her smile melted when she saw the unhappiness of the Pegasus before her 'You don't like it'

Princess Eris English Patch

'No it's fine, really I like it' Butterscotch lied

'O well ok then. Ah I almost forgot' Eris smirked. 'My question'

'And that is…' Butterscotch feared for the worse.

'Do you love me?' Eris smiled as she looked at Butterscotch

'What' He was shocked by her question?

'Do you love me?' Eris asked again

'Ummm…sorry but no' Butterscotch felt really bad about saying no.

'Ok I shall leave you now' Eris floated away and smiled 'Just remember I will keep asking until you do'

Butterscotch looked down Oh Butterscotch what have you gotten yourself into


'Oh Eris, you have outdone yourself this time' Eris smiled as she looked into her reflection 'Over a thousand years and you still have the stallions falling for you'

'So, is this your big plan' Her reflection finally showed up

'It will only be a matter of time before he can resist me no more and he will be eating putty out of my claw' Eris giggled

'So, instead of manipulating him with your magic you are just going to kiss up to him' the reflection slapped it head.

'Well those stallions can't turn us back to stone right' Eris offered a smile

'Yea, but why does that matter? They already agreed not to use them' the reflection said

'Only because they need magic to work the elements' Eris smirked 'Either way, if any of our deals were to be broken we would be free to do whatever we wish. You know what that could mean. Chaos for every pony and stallion' Eris cheered at the very opportunity to spread her chaos in Equestria.

'…and the wimpy Pegasus falls into this plan how?' the reflection asked as it felt Butterscotch wasn't of any use to them.

'Well, I can bet you by the end of the month that stallion will be dying over me. He won't be able to use the Element of Kindness against me as he wouldn't turn his own wife to stone. That way i can be sure that those stallions won't use their elements against me' Eris smiled as she does an evil chuckle.

Suddenly, her mirror started to laugh along but in a mocking way 'That's the dumbest plan you have ever come up with'

'Excuse me' Eris crossed her arms

'Do you honestly think that Pegasus will ever fall for you?' the mirror suggested

'Your point is?' Eris shook her head

'You are a Chimera, a being with the mixture of many different animals. Do you honestly think staring into this mirror that there will be ever a chance that Butterscotch could ever love such a monster? I am your reflection so I would know better than any pony' Her reflection showed Butterscotch freaking out about Eris

'How would you like to be smashed into a thousand pieces' Eris grabbed the mirror and growled at it

'Hey hey hey crazy, that's seven years bad luck' The reflection worried

'Don't talk to me about bad lucky I invented it' She screams as she also didn't like to be called crazy.

The mirror went back to normal as Eris looked at herself in the mirror; as she was admiring herself 'Oh, what am i doing? I really have to stop talking to myself, and what does she know? I am good looking. That stallion won't know what hit him. As soon as he notices my charms that stallion will…'

As much as she didn't want to admit it, her mirror was right. Eris looked awful. She looked at both of her claws as she felt ashamed. Why would she say that she was good enough for that stallion? No matter how she tried to make herself look good, Butterscotch would only see her as a monster. She looks at herself in the mirror and sighed 'A gorgeous stallion like that will never go for some pony that looks like me'


Well I think I will end things here folks. So what did you think? I have to feel sorry for Eris at the end of the chapter. I also loved that scene in the audio drama. Such a powerful mixture of a picture, the voice, and the background music. I hope to see the same thing in Episode 9.

I know I am going to get a lot of hate for not including the dinner scene. As I said before, I would be changing some things up for this story. I wanted Eris's question to be the last thought of what Butterscotch would think about in this chapter.

So, I hope I haven't angered anyone with this chapter. Also, i want to thank you all for cheering me up. I was going through a rough patch and i needed that boost of confidence to help me along. I hope you all enjoy this chapter. Now then i will address a rumor that i have recently gotten wing of.

Now, I have heard rumors of this pairing for a while. I thought it was a really weird pairing. I would never think that a pairing like this could exist and i am a big fan of opposites attracting. Yet, i must stop all the rumors of this pairing. This pairing is of Discord and Bride of Discord writer Disney Fanatic 2364. Now, I have heard rumors of them going out and even rumors of them being engaged. I am here to set the record straight so you all can stop worrying about it. The rumors are true. They are going out. I know i know it's a shock to us all. I didn't think she was into bad boys like Discord. I thought it was just a rumor to until i wanted to ask DF for advice about something until i walked in on her and Discord having a moment between themselves. I felt horrible for ruining such a moment between those two love birds. Now, i know what you are thinking. Autistic Writer, you are misunderstanding the situation, and i could be taking things completely out of context. I might be, but I have proof of her love for him. Bride of Discord, Daughter of Discord, The Dating game, The shakespeare pony: 12th night, CMC: Next Generation, and Hearth's Warming Chaos. Six stories containing Discord in some aspect whether it would be a main role or a side role. I should have seen this coming. Don't deny these feeling of love DF believe in yourself and believe in Disneycord. Believe in the Disneycord. YAHHHHHHHHHH. *Starts to shake a little* Now, i have the feeling i have now angered an orange Pegasus with a blue hat. I just think that's the chocolate milk talking, but i will keep watching the skies just in case. So, wish me luck and it may be a while until next chapters due to think of ideas and other factors. So, just believe in the Disneycord like i do. Hopefully that pairing will become true some day.

So, I hope you all take care now. Until then, see you later and I can't wait for Episode 9 of the Audio Drama of Bride of Discord. Also, BELIEVE IN DISNEYCORD (Pairing of Disney Fanatic 2364 and Discord) MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHA HA HA *Austic writer makes an evil grin and leaves to complete Chapter 8 of Groom of Eris)

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