Dual Boot Esxi And Windows 10

Posted on by  admin
Dual boot windows 10 and xp

Nov 9, 2017 - Is it possible to setup a dual boot between VMware and the Server 2016. It's not recommended, as ESXi is a Bare Metal OS, and the VMFS. It doesn't have to be a dual boot, just a BIOS boot drive change will do, as long as i can run. Didn't say to install or boot Windows from there.

Posted by2 years ago

Dual boot Windows/hypervisor for a single computer lab

So, I'm looking to do a virtual lab with 2 Windows servers (probably 2012 and 2016) and 2-3 windows 10 workstations. Going to create a domain with AD, DNS, DHCP, etc. Question is: has anyone, or can you, dual boot something like Xenserver (not stuck on this, any hypervisor recommended) with my main Windows 10 computer?

What I'd like to accomplish is to have a router set up to be on it's own network, plug my computer into the router, boot into the hypervisor and do my lab stuff on my main desktop. When I'm done, shut it down, swap the cable back, and boot into Windows. Realistically, I'd probably use this 1-2 times a week depending on how much free time I have.

I already had plans on building a new computer with an i5 7600k and 16gb of memory. I already have the storage space to accommodate the VMs. I'd like to justify buying just the main computer upgrade as opposed to getting both (lab and computer). Also, I don't have a ton of space for additional equipment (though I could make it work with a microserver) and it would be great to work from my desk. Likely if it's not feasible to dual boot, I'll forego the new computer for the lab since I'm determined to get a lab going.


  1. Can I dual boot a hypervisor with 2 servers and 3 workstations (I'll be swapping my network cable into a DMZ'd router, not a big deal, closet is 6 feet away) from my main desktop? And is there any recommended hardware (looking at 7600k and 16gb of memory, I have storage covered)?

  2. If 1 isn't feasible, which microsever is recommended for what I'd like to accomplish? I was looking at the HP Microserver, but there seems to be multiple versions with different hardware configurations. I don't want to over do it, but I don't want to not be a little future proof either. Rslinx rslogix 500 rslogix emulate 500 torrent. I'm not as well versed with server hardware as I am with desktop hardware.

Dual Boot Windows 10 And Ubuntu

For the record, based on my search of this subreddit, I'm going to be looking into a Ubiquiti Edgerouter.

50% Upvoted

With the Windows 10 Technical Preview now available, many IT Professionals and those who are technically incline are facing a decision to update an existing primary machine or to update a possible secondary machine with the newly released client software. There is however another option one could pursue to conduct testing and provide feedback. This Step-By-Step will detail the ability create and run Windows 10 Technical Preview from within a virtual machine. Even more specifically, a virtual machine hosted on a Windows 8.1 Hyper-V enabled device.

Step 1: Download the Windows 10 Technical Preview ISO

  1. Visit the Windows Insiders webpage.
  2. Register to be a Windows Insider
  3. Download the 32 or 64 bit version of the Windows 10 Technical Preview ISO file.

Step 2: Enabling Hyper-V for use on Windows 8.1

Follow the steps provided in the Step-By-Step: Enabling Hyper-V for use on Windows 8.1 post.

Note: Prerequisites to enable Hyper-V on Windows 8.1 are as follows:

  • 64 bit processor with Second Level Address Translation (SLAT)
  • 4GB system RAM at minimum
  • BIOS-level Hardware Virtualization support

Step 3: Creating the Windows 10 VM

  1. Open Hyper-V Manager on the Windows 8 machine
    (Charms > Search > typeHyper-V Manager)
  2. To begin creating the VM clickAction > New > Virtual Machine
  3. On the Before You Begin screen clickNext.
  4. On the Specify Name and Location screen, enter the desired name for the VM and clickNext.
  5. On the Specify Generation screen, select Generation 1 and clickNext.
    Note: Generation 2 can also be utilize for advanced testing but will require further resources
  6. On the Assign Memory screen, enter a memory size of 2048 MB or higher and clickNext.
    Note: Only enable the use of Dynamic Memory if multiple VMs are to be enabled simultaneously.
  7. On the Configure Networking screen, select the connection that connects to an external resource for internet connectivity and clickNext.

  8. On the Connect Virtual Hard Disk screen, selectCreate a virtual hard disk, enter 20GB or higher for storage size and clickNext.
  9. On the Installation Options screen, selectInstall an operating System from a bootable CD/DVD-Rom
  10. SelectImage file (.iso),browse your computer to find the Windows 10 Technical Preview .iso file downloaded in Step 1 and clickNext.
  11. On the Completing the New Virtual Machine Wizard screen, review the selected options and clickFinish.
  12. The Windows 10 Technical Preview VM is now created.
  13. Back in Hyper-V Manager, right-click on the newly created VM and clickStart.
  14. Right-click again on the newly created VM and clickConnect.
  15. Once connected, commence the installation of Windows 10 Technical Preview on the newly created virtual instance.

Once the installation is completed, the newly created Windows 10 Technical Preview virtual machine will allow for complete testing of the operating system and can be deleted and recreated as needed.

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