The Kissing Booth Ebook Download

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The Kissing Booth Ebook Download

The Kissing Booth Ebook

Who doesn?t love a fun, old-fashioned Kissing Booth? Maybe not the protagonist in this adorable, sweet YA novel.Lisi has never been kissed. Sure, she could practice on her guy friend, Johnny, but he?s like a brother to her! So when it comes time to pick a theme for the Spring Carnival booth, Lisi suggests a 'Kissing Booth,' hoping it will give her the chance to get a cheek Who doesn?t love a fun, old-fashioned Kissing Booth? Maybe not the protagonist in this adorable, sweet YA nov...

The Kissing Booth Ebook Download

Kissing Booth Reviews

The Kissing Booth by Beth Reekles. May 14, Read 'The Kissing. Read The Kissing Booth online free book, all chapters, no download.. The kissing booth beth reekles epub. [PDF] Download Kissing Booth Ebook READ ONLINE 1. Kissing Booth to download this book the link is on the last page 2. Description Brock When we were kids she set up a kissing booth in our schoolyard.

  • Couldn't finish it. Didn't like any of the characters. Slow story. Very disappointing. ...
  • Reviewed by Sarah Bean the Green Bean Teen Queen for TeensReadToo.comLisi is an NBK - she's never been kissed. Lisi would really like to be kissed by her crush, Brett, who also happens to be the most popular guy in school. She doesn't think her chances are very high, since Lisi in ...
  • Kissing Booth is not something to be taken critically?more of a fun, little whimsical read.However I do have to point out that I had issues with some things. Mostly on the characters friendship wise. So Lisi has two best girl friends, Mo and Bella. They both annoy me to no end at...
  • This book was cute. It's one of those easy reads you pick up and spend an afternoon on. The story is pretty predictable,but a sweet little read non the less. ...
  • Kinda an easy read but good. I still can't believe Lisi would be so oblivious though, ugh, lol. ...
  • Kissing Booth is a book for pure enjoyment. Not to be taken very seriously, Kissing Booth is a very light read.What I enjoyed about the novel was the plot. I loved how it connected with each other and Lexie did a wonderful job in describing an actual high school particularly with i...
  • It reminded me a lot of high school and how some of us stay friends in high school/college and how some seem to drift away from each other.Great Read! ...
  • A cute, fun little read.The only complaints I have are that the characters tended to get out of character quite often and sometimes their actions were a little too unbelievable.Other than that, it was fun, romantic, and well written. ...
  • Anyone who knows me knows I?m a sucker for romances, and I couldn?t resist the adorable red and white cover for this one! I loved the idea of an old-fashioned kissing booth and wished I could go to the Spring Carnival with Lisi and her friends. Even though the story is mainly a rom...
  • This book was really good but the ending was disappointing. Lisi was NBK never been kissed and she was dying it kiss Brett. Mo her ex best friend left Lisi and Bella. Lisi, Bella, and Johnny decided 2 have a Kissing Booth @ the Spring Carnival. They had 2 beat the cheerleaders, aka The...
  • This book was soooo predictable. You can read the first five chapters or so and you can predict the ending right away. The characters got on my nerves from being so clueless. I really hate the cover for some reason unknown. I have no idea why I wanted to read this book so bad but when ...
  • this book was interesting and it showed the mind of a true teenager because through the book I learned that the thing your looking for can be right in front of you without knowing it and Mr. Perfect may not really be Mr. Perfect. You shouldn't judge a book by it's cover cause you never...
  • Read Sierras review here: ...
  • Completely adorable! Lisi is a typical teenager afraid to share her crush with her friends and of growing up. I just loved her. She was so real and normal. And Bella was the perfect friend for her. And what can I say about Johnny? So adorably cute in an understated way. So glad I found...
  • Sooo. Here's the thing. I liked the characters, I did. Lisi, Bella, Mo, Johnny.... I liked them all. But..... I just didn't really see the point of all their drama? Everybody has crushes and secrets that they don't tell even they most closest confidantes. I didn't really see the need f...
  • Here is my review of 'Kissing Booth': ...
  • I really enjoyed this book. It was a very cute story and I really liked how it ended. I enjoyed seeing Lisi figure out what was important and what was frivolent in her life and how what she thought was best was actually hurting her and her friendships. I would certianly read a Lexie Hi...
  • Lisi Jared is a junior at Northside High. Before her school break is over, she meets her best friends, Mo, Bella, and Johnny at Vinnie?s. Mo had gone to Paris, but when she came to Vinnie?s, she looked completely different. She used to dress up only in t-shirts and jeans but now sh...
  • cute but very juvenile ...
  • More like 2.5. This is a Kind of entertaining fast read. My biggest problem... The main character was too passive for her own good. Also, the language was very teensy like, it bugged me at times too. And the other characters didn't get a personality at all. There seem to be too many co...
  • A cute and light fluffy read. However the storyline just had too much exaggerated drama with a lack of substance. I particularly did not like nor could I relate to any of the female protagonists, Johnny however was perhaps the most grounded character.. ...
  • Kissing Booth fell into the category of books I buy when I need something nice that will make me smile and promises a happy ending. I got exactly what I asked for.NBK = Never Been Kissed. That in a nutshell is Lisi?s problem. When the grand prize for the most money raised at the ...
  • Fairly predictable, but still a fun, quirky (and typical) YA love story. ...
  • Cute story. Some of the friend drama was a little over the top, but that's high school. I loved waiting for Lisi to finally figure out who she really wanted to kiss! ...
  • This book was meant to be a light read but between school and me not liking it that much it took me forever to finish it. All in all, I didn't really enjoy it. ...
  • It was good... The only problem?... I didn't like the end! xD It was a funny story but I was somehow expecting another ending!-El Xx ...
  • This is one book you go in knowing how it'll end and pretty much what will happen in between, but that's why I read it. Wanted some fluffy happy reading material. However I needed more descriptions about the Spring Faire, what other booths the students were running. ...
  • This book is one of the best romance books I have read. In this book there is not only a secret romance between the main character and the popular kid, but there is also some kind of conflicts between the main character and her best friend. At the end they do get back together and the...
  • Not as good as I thought it would be. Sort of a disappointment. ...
  • At first I wasn't really into this book. But by the end I was enjoying it. Throughout the book I kinda felt bad for Lisi since it did seem to have everything happen to her and to fall on her shoulders to fix it.This story is about Lisi a girl that has never been kissed. They have ...

The Kissing Booth Free Ebook Download

~*~ The Kissing Booth ~*~ By Karen
--Part 1—
Lana Lang sighed. She nervously bit her lip as she tilted her head subtly to the left to get a better look. She gulped. He was there. Lana shut her eyes tightly for a moment. Oh if only heaven wasn’t so hard on her, she wouldn’t have been dragged into this out of guilt! ‘Oh think of the children, Lana, the children who have no families and no homes to live in. You have to help them! It’s senior year too, it’s your last chance.’ Help them indeed. She had already helped them years ago, during the time when she was a cheerleader, a walking piece of popularity. And mind you, it was a disastrous matter… especially when he paid five bucks to kiss her and she was left thinking that she would have done it for free. Well... left thinking after that whole incident occurred. She hated how he made her almost swoon every time he was near. She hated how tempting he looked. She hated how he cared about her so much. God she hated that she still loved him. He had some nerve to make her still hold these feelings for him. She had a boyfriend for crying out loud! She just wished she could move on. But now there was this ! And he was in the line! Ready to kiss her. At least he had to pay. Lana gently grabbed the five dollar note off the next guy as he smiled awkwardly. He leaned in and she gave him a quick kiss on the lips. Jason had been against this. He had joked about it, of course, about his girlfriend offering herself for five dollars a kiss on the lips. However, being the sweet, kind, so ever caring boyfriend he seemed to be, he gave in. Lana tilted her head to the left again. He was inching nearer and nearer each time she checked. She couldn’t handle this! God did he have the nerve to even be lining up! He had better not be doing it for revenge, just because he knew that she had to kiss him for charity. “Enjoying yourself?” Lana turned her attention to the hot guy sitting next to her, who was offering his kisses to girls for five dollars too. She smiled grimly, “Yeah, it’s just great.” She lied through gritted teeth. Damn kissing booth. It’s not that she didn’t care for the less fortunate kids in third-world countries, but she was supposed to be over this kind of thing. After Paris, she had changed and returning to offering five dollar kisses in kissing booths for charity wasn’t exactly the change she had in mind. “It’s a good idea for charity don’t you think?” Simon asked casually as he kissed the next redhead in line, who then trotted off with a dreamy smile on her face. Lana nodded, “Senior year right? It’s our last chance to give to those in need.” Lana lied once again.
“Yeah.” Simon paused for a moment, “You used to do this thing all the time, I remember.” Lana shrugged in response. Whatever. She didn’t need to be reminded of the façade she used to hide behind. She sneaked a look to the left again. He was drawing closer. She couldn’t believe he would do such a thing as this! The next guy in line wore huge, thick glasses. His shirt was tucked tightly into his too-high pants as he wore a too-dopey grin on his face. Lana gulped. He had better be paying more than five dollars. Lana faked a smile as the guy placed a five dollar note into her hand. She gave him the quickest kiss ever, barely touching his lips and left him to trot off with that smile stuck to his face. Just two more guys and then her worst nightmare: Clark Kent. *************************************************** --Part 2--
Lana kissed the next good-looking guy on the lips, before suddenly realising who was next in line. She almost screamed as she felt the blood drain from her face. Talk about déjà-vu. “Hey Lana, are you alright? You look a little pale.” Clark commented, his eyebrows raised in that cute manner. He still liked Lana, of course. In fact, he still loved her. He had the slight feeling that she wouldn’t appreciate him being in line for this kissing thing, but he figured if he could get a kiss, then why not? He remembered doing the exact same thing in the early years of high school. It was highly unlikely the same err… incident would occur this time round. But still, talk about déjà-vu. Lana gulped, tempted to yell at him for being in the line, but it wasn’t illegal. He was allowed. Damn this world. “I’m fine Clark.” She replied confidently, not wanting to kiss him at all. She had no idea what would happen if she did… and she would. She had to. Memories flooded back through her mind. The early years of high school were perhaps the best and worst of her life. Naturally, she had volunteered to be a part of the kissing booth charity for the less fortunate children in poorer countries. What she hadn’t counted on was Clark Kent. Clark Kent, on the other hand, was pretty giddy about the whole matter.
“I’ll do it.” Lana raised her hand, a beautiful smile worn on her face. Mrs Jenkins smiled warmly, “Thank you Lana, that’s very nice of you to offer. Now we just need a volunteer from the male gender in the room.”
Lana put her hand down as her best friend Michelle nudged her. “Getting paid to kiss hot guys?” Michelle sniggered, “It’s no surprise you volunteered.” “It’s not like I’m the one getting paid. It’s for charity.” Lana replied casually, “The fact that there will be hot guys is just a bonus.” She eventually added with a grin on her face. Michelle rolled her eyes, “It’s genius really. This whole idea for charity I mean.” She paused for a moment, “Wait a minute, are you only doing this in hopes that a certain hot guy will be lining up in the line?” Michelle asked in a snazzy tone. Lana laughed, “No.” she replied with truth. It was the truth after all, “You know I don’t like anyone at the moment.” “Well maybe you will after this. They say it’s all in the kiss Lana. So if you’re feeling any chemistry, be sure to get the phone number, as well as the kiss.” Michelle suggested nonchalantly. Lana simply smiled in return. She knew she didn’t have a crush on anyone at the moment. She had heard that the quarterback of the football team had a crush on her though. She had forgotten his name however… Quentin or something. Or was it Whitney? Well it didn’t matter, because she didn’t feel the same. As the class went on, Lana was completely unaware of a pair of eyes practically glued to her. Clark Kent gulped. Perhaps this was fate. No, it wasn’t fate, it was a chance, that’s what it was. The girl of his dreams was offering herself for five dollars at a kissing booth. He couldn’t pass up the opportunity. His best friend, Pete Ross, instantly grabbed him when the bell rang for lunch. “This is it man, this is the once in a life time opportunity. The girl you have a massive crush on is offering herself at a kissing booth for five dollars.” Pete declared. As if Clark didn’t already know that! Clark pretended as if he didn’t care, “Yeah. She’s always doing charity and stuff.” Yes she was. It was such a beautiful, caring quality in her, and he loved that. “You are going to donate to that charity though, right?” Pete grinned, nudging his friend, “It’s fate man. It’s like you have an excuse to kiss her now.” Clark shrugged as he raised his eyebrows, “It’s not like I’m going to do it just for her. It’s for the children in those third-world countries.” He replied simply, “The fact that it’s Lana is just a bonus.” He eventually added with a smile he couldn’t suppress. Pete sighed heartily, “Well you better start saving up for that five bucks.” Clark frowned, “I’ll just ask my dad and if he says no then… yeah, I guess I will find another way to get that money. I’ll do someone a favour or something.” “Yeah, maybe you can mow your next door neighbour’s lawn.” Pete suggested. “Pete, Lana is my next door neighbour.” Clark replied as-a-matter-of-factly. “Yeah I know, it’d be kind of ironic wouldn’t it? ‘Can I mow your lawn for five bucks to kiss your niece?’” Pete mocked.
“Very funny.” Clark said sardonically, “I’ll find my own ways of getting that money thanks.” Pete shrugged, “Suit yourself man.” That afternoon, Clark questioned his dad on the whole matter. “You want to donate five dollars to charity?” Jonathan Kent raised his eyebrows curiously. Clark gulped, “Um yes.” Jonathan stared at his son for a long moment. There was an ulterior motive to this, he could see it in his eyes. He sighed, “Clark, I don’t have anything against charity, but you’ve had many opportunities to give to those poor children, and you never took them then.” Clark sighed, “It’s different this time.” He insisted, “I’m really beginning to realise why we should donate.” Clark explained slowly, pausing for a moment, “By the way, Lana’s offering herself for five dollars at a kissing booth as a means to collect money for charity.” Clark added very quickly on the end of his sentence. “What?” Jonathan asked loudly, “Lana is what?” “She’s collecting money for charity by offering her kisses to guys for five dollars a kiss.” Clark repeated slowly and rather reluctantly. Jonathan Kent couldn’t hide the smile that crept up his face. There was an ulterior motive after all. He knew it! “I see…” Jonathan rubbed his chin, “and you want to donate to this charity so that you can kiss Lana?” Clark didn’t say anything for a moment, before replying with a cough, “Yeah, something like that.” Jonathan nodded, as if in thought. “Alright son, I’ll make you a deal. If you want that money for your own purposes -” “But it’s not for my own purposes.” Clark interrupted suddenly, “Well… not really. I do think those children need our help.” Jonathan raised his eyebrows. Clark sighed and gave in, “Okay fine, what can I do?” “Double your chores and I’ll give you your five dollars.” Jonathan frowned. His son was unbelievable sometimes, doubling his chores just so that he could kiss a girl. Clark grinned, “That’s a deal.” Jonathan knew that doubling his chores didn’t mean any extra work for his son, but he needed the work done and anyway, it’s not as if Clark enjoyed his chores all that much. The week passed by faster than expected and Lana helped organise the whole kissing booth. A guy in the grade above named Adam offered to be the kissable guy at the booth. He wasn’t Prince Charming, but he was hot , yet had that cute quality in him too.
“I can’t believe I’m doing this.” Lana laughed slightly as she settled down on her seat at the kissing booth. Adam grinned, “It’s for charity, a good deed.” He insisted, “Let’s see who can raise the most money.” He joked. Lana laughed, “I’ve never done this before, but it sounded like fun and a good way to give to charity, so why not?” Adam nodded his head in agreement, “I did it last year. I was going to give some other guy a chance this year, but because no one volunteered I thought… like you said, why not?” Lana raised her eyebrows in amusement, “I just hope it doesn’t get too slobbery.” Adam laughed, “Don’t worry. They’re just quick pecks on the lips, nothing heavy. Just make sure they actually pay you the five bucks. Some guys try to get away with it.” Lana smiled in response, before diverting her attention to the entrance as students began flooding in. Here goes nothing. *************************************** --Part 3--
Lana smiled as she willingly gave the next good-looking guy a peck on the lips. This was actually kind of fun. Maybe she should do it next year too. She looked over at Adam’s long line of girls. It’s no surprise they all want to kiss him. Michelle was right. This was a genius idea! Because you get to give to a good cause as well as kiss someone like Adam. Lana laughed a little as she spotted her best friend in the line of girls. Michelle waved a five dollar note in the air as she grinned wildly in return at Lana. “Hey Lana.” Lana looked up as a five dollar note slid towards her on the smooth surface of the desk. “Whitn -” she paused abruptly. She wasn’t quite sure of his name. “Whitney, yes.” The guy confirmed, “This is a pretty good idea.” Lana smiled grimly and nodded, “Um yes.” She laughed slightly out of nerves, “For charity, you know.” “So am I going to get that kiss?” Whitney asked nicely, leaning in. Lana gave him a quick peck on the lips. She had to. This was like a job. “Thanks Lana. I’ll see you round.” With that, Whitney walked off to join his friends. Lana raised her eyebrows and laughed slightly. No chemistry there. Forget it. Clark nervously shuffled forwards as the line moved yet again. He couldn’t believe he was actually going to go through with it. Not that it mattered, he was sure Lana didn’t even know of his existence.
He tried to back out a couple of times, out of humiliation, but Pete insisted he give it a go. So here he was, standing in line, only a couple more guys before it was his turn to kiss Lana Lang. “Lana!” Michelle squealed as she plopped the five dollar note on the table in front of her, “How’s it going? Anything yet?” Lana laughed and rolled her eyes, “No, but this is kind of fun, you should try it next year.” Lana suggested, pecking the next guy on the lips. “Oh please I -” Michelle stopped abruptly at a cough heard behind her, “I better hurry.” She leaned in and quickly smooched Adam on the lips, “Enjoy Lana.” She then walked off towards their other friends, giggling wildly. Lana shook her head as she smiled. “Your friend’s a funny character.” Adam commented, staring after Michelle with much interest. “Yup, that’s Michelle.” Lana raised her shoulders, before adding, “She’s single, just to let you know.” Adam simply grinned in return, before kissing the next girl in line. “Hi, how are you?” Lana smiled at the next, blond guy. She was feeling quite cheery all of a sudden. Perhaps charity always had this effect on her. She loved helping out. Clark gulped. Just two more, two more guys and then it would be his turn. He was surprised he hadn’t passed out already out of nerves. The butterflies in his stomach were going crazy. “Hey, how’re you doing?” Lana grinned, pecking the following guy on the lips. She then turned to smile at the next one. He was tall and had the most incredible eyes she’d ever seen. Oh she remembered, it was that guy who was in a few of her classes. He wore a lot of plaid. ‘Holy cow!’ Clark thought. It was his turn. Already ?! “Hi, how are you?” Lana smiled at Clark, suddenly feeling a little self-conscious. She coughed as a distraction, accepting the five dollar note Clark placed in her hand, “Thanks.” She muttered. She didn’t lean in to kiss him though. ‘What’s wrong with you Lana Lang?!’ Lana thought frantically in her head. She didn’t understand why she couldn’t just kiss the guy. It was just another guy! Clark gulped. He knew it. She didn’t want to kiss him. He was a loser! ‘Oh the injustice that is my life!!’ he yelled in his mind. She must be feeling too disgusted by him to kiss him. She did look rather pale. Lana swallowed, “Uh…” She figured she may as well just get it over with, so she closed her eyes and leaned in. Clark’s eyes widened. So she was going to kiss him after all. ‘Whew!’ He gratefully leaned in and suddenly felt warm, soft lips pressed against his own. He figured he could die now and be happy about it. Lana couldn’t believe what was happening. As soon as her lips touched his, a sensation ran through her… one that had never been experienced in her entire life. What was going on ?! She felt
a rush of tingles run up and down her whole body as sparks seemed to be flying in every direction. Her knees felt very weak, and so did her heart as her mind seemed to fuzz into nothing. When Clark finally parted his lips from hers, Lana stared intensely at him for a moment, eyes widened from the overwhelming stir of the kiss and before she could realise it, her world turned to complete black as she fainted on the table. “Lana!” Clark blurted out. He was in shock. He hadn’t meant to… what happened… what had he done ?! People began crowding around Lana’s fainted self as Clark gently held onto her hand, hoping dearly that she hadn’t died. Thus was the beginning of Clark and Lana’s everlasting friendship, and it would go on for a very long time. End Flashback
******************************************* --Part 4--
Clark held up the five dollar note in his hands, his eyebrows raised, “For charity.” He declared, placing it firmly on the table, “Are you sure you’re okay?” he asked to make sure. “Clark, I’m fine.” Lana insisted once again, her earrings dangling about. Then, unable to hold back her cries of protest of him being in the line, she finally blurted out, “Why are you doing this?” Clark stared at her for a moment, “I’m just doing my part in donating to a good cause.” He explained honestly, “Is… that a problem?” he asked hesitantly and rather meekly. “No.” Lana whispered, her voice squeaky, “I mean no, no, of course it’s not a uh, a problem.” She added in a clearer tone. The last thing she wanted was for him to realise that she was afraid. She continued to stare at him without speaking. Each moment that passed made her wish more and more that she hadn’t been dragged into such a situation. She couldn’t kiss him! What if the same thing happened again?! She’d never live it down! Clark raised his eyebrows, staring back with much curiosity, half in anticipation and half understanding. Lana simply could not bring herself to lean in and kiss him. Her knees were feeling rather weak as it was. God knows what would happen next. Yet she had to kiss him. After all, he had already paid. She sighed heavily, “Kiss me Clark.” “What?” Clark whispered. “Kiss me.” Lana repeated, her eyebrows slightly raised as she attempted to avoid his gaze. “Wh -” Clark paused abruptly for a second, “why can’t you kiss me?” He found himself asking. It was her duty after all, not his. He couldn’t just lean in and kiss her, it wasn’t right! It would be rude of him, wouldn’t it? He hadn’t expected this at all.
“No, you kiss me.” Lana insisted yet again, slight fury building up inside of her. How dare him. Couldn’t he just listen to her and get it over and done with?! “But why?” Clark gulped, sure that he was probably turning very red. “Why not?” Lana threw her hands slightly up into the air, “You’re the one in the line.” “Well you’re the one volunteering.” Clark threw back at her. “Like I had a choice!” Lana retorted, disregarding all stares. She knew perfectly well what had happened last time she leant in to kiss him. So this time, he better do it. “It doesn’t make a difference whether it was your choice or not. The point is that you’re here.” Clark debated. He wasn’t about to just lean in and kiss her. So he sighed heavily, “You know what Lana? Just forget it.” He concluded quietly, “Forget it.” He repeated to himself in a whisper as he turned away. With that, he walked off, the five dollar note remaining on the desk in front of Lana. It took Lana about ten seconds to come to her senses. She stared at the five dollar note in front of her for what seemed a long while. No. She wasn’t going to allow him to have the final word, and she most certainly wasn’t about to just let him walk off like that! Away from her! How dare he! Did he really think he could get away with acting so contemptuous?! And so… so calm about the whole matter?! Hah! Well, he had another thing coming! Lana firmly stood up from her seat, a look of fury on her slightly red face as the chair made a screeching noise. Everyone stopped to stare, but she didn’t care. She marched right over to Clark Kent and gave him exactly what he deserved! She tapped him on the shoulder and before he could get a word in, she planted a long, desirable kiss on his unaware lips, the rage twisting into passion for only a moment as the kiss went on. She was left making a slight kissing movement with her lips as they parted. She was absolutely sure she was going to faint now. Oh the humiliation! But oh how she had missed his soft, inviting lips! With that final thought, she collapsed into Clark’s arms, shaking her head slightly and mumbling, “I’m not going to faint.” With her eyes fluttering somewhat. Clark couldn’t conceal the smile he was trying to hide as he let it go and looked down at Lana. “Lana, what are you doing?” Clark eventually asked, after a moment of staring into each other’s globes. “I don’t love him Clark.” She finally whispered, still in a haze and only slightly aware of the words coming out of her mouth. It was as if his kisses were a drug and she was so very high on them. “Who?” Clark raised his eyebrows curiously. “Jason.” Lana mumbled in return. Oh what was she saying? Damn his kisses.
Clark wasn’t too sure how to respond to that. She did look rather pale and she was somewhat ‘drunk’ in a way. “I think you need to lie down for a bit.” Clark suggested, before beginning to move, but she stopped him with a hand on his chest. “Wait.” Lana said softly. Clark stopped and looked at her, much surprise in his eyes. Something felt different right at this moment, and he wasn’t sure what it was, but it was a wonderful sensation. Lana smiled dopily and leaned in once again to kiss Clark softly on the lips. She was somehow drawn to do it. It was like a magnetic situation. The second time round, Lana really did faint as she completely blacked out and collapsed once more into Clark’s waiting arms, her lips still slightly moving. Clark raised his eyebrows as his smile faded. At least he knew this time from experience that she hadn’t died. What he didn’t know was that when Lana woke up, she and Jason would become something of the past. What he also didn’t know was that tonight, Lana would visit him in his loft and they would talk and then do a lot more than that. He didn’t know that he would get kissed again and he most definitely had no idea that he and Lana would be creating memories together as they each opened up to the other, making room for something special in their hearts. He didn’t know that they would always love each other and that their love would forever be remembered. But he didn’t have to know… at least not right now. After all, he would find out soon enough.

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