Tony Horton P90 Torrent

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InventorTony Horton
Current supplierBeachbody

P90X P90X+ Xtreme Workout Series DVDrip Tony Horton Xvid 5 torrent download locations P90X P90X+ Xtreme Workout Series DVDrip Tony Horton Xvid Other 1 day P90X P90X+ Xtreme Workout Series DVDrip Tony Horton Xvid Movies 4 days P90X P90X+ Xtreme Workout Series DVDrip Tony Horton Xvid Movies 11 days. Jun 26, 2018 - Team up with a friend or family member for Tony Horton's newest. Programs, including 21 Day FIX®, 80 Day Obsession™, and P90X®.

P90X, or Power 90 Extreme, is a commercial home exercise regimen created by Tony Horton in 2005 and was developed as a successor to the program called 'Power 90'. It consists of a training program that uses cross-training and periodization, combined with a nutrition and dietary supplement plan.[1]

The program was launched in 2005; it was heavily marketed through infomercials and was endorsed by Sheryl Crow, Michelle Obama, and Paul Ryan.[2]

Tony Horton

In 2010, P90X sales dropped off dramatically,[3] however, it still represented half of Beachbody’s $430 million revenue in 2010 and had sold over 4.2 million copies.[3]

Standard home gym equipment recommended for use with P90X: Yoga blocks, yoga mat, dumbbells, pull-up/chin-up bar, push-up handles, gloves, and chair


  1. ^'What is the P90X workout? Rep. Paul Ryan credits Tony Horton fitness routine for keeping in shape'. NY Daily News. 2012-08-15. Retrieved 2014-08-15.
  2. ^Townsend, Matt (September 7, 2012). 'Ripple Effect: Beachbody LLC flexing its muscles following success of P90X program'. Chicago Tribune.
  3. ^ abEsmé E. Deprez (2010-11-18). 'Beachbody: Thinking Beyond the Infomercial'. Bloomberg. Retrieved 2014-08-15.
Retrieved from ''

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Fact CheckedOverviewSide EffectsProduct WarningsClaimsDirectionsCostBenefits & ResultsBottom LinePower 90 AlternativesQ&A

Power 90 is an intense workout introduced by Tony Horton, a personal trainer, actor, author and creator of this 90-day home-based DVD workout program. With Power 90, you workout in the comfort of your own home six days a week by following a variety of DVDs that incorporate a blend of different exercise moves and also asks you to follow a nutritional meal plan. Can the Power 90 home workout program help you achieve your weight loss goals while also helping you stay fit?

Our researchers were curious to know how the Power 90 three-phase nutrition plan compliments the six-day workout regime to stimulate weight loss within a 90-day period. The research team investigated thoroughly to find the answer. Here is what they found.

Power 90 can be purchased through their Official Site.

Power 90 Readers:Click here to find out why we're giving away samples of our product, Burn TS.

What is Power 90?

Power 90, in simple words, is a 90-day exercise program that includes a DVD and a diet plan and is produced by a trainer named Tony Horton.

Beachbody has promoted the product. Beachbody is an American corporation with a strong online presence that sells several supplements and accessories along with weight loss DVDs.

Power 90 is one of their popular products that works well for people of any age and physique. It combines three workout phases includes a diet plan that corresponds to each phase.

Power 90 can be a best friend for people who want to have an attractive body without visiting the gym. We are excited about what the company has to offer, but you need to read on to find more.

Power 90 Competitors

Tony horton p90 cast
80 Day Obsessionread
22 Minute Hard Corpsread
Burn TS (Sample offer)read
Explanation of Price

This is how much it costs to start on the respective program. We always recommend trying a product before making a large investment.

  • = Initial product cost is less than $5
  • = Initial product cost is between $6 and $50
  • = Initial product cost is between $51 and $150
  • = Initial product cost is $151 or more

How Did Power 90 Start?

Tony Horton, the trainer and producer of Power 90, has created many other popular fitness programs. Most of these programs were extreme and difficult to follow. In light of this, Tony decided to introduce a much easier workout program.

This is how the Power 90 program was started. The highly anticipated, less extreme workout plan was released in 2014.

Tony has been a well-known trainer and actor, who has released popular workout programs like P90X, P90X2, and P90X3.

These programs, as their names may suggest, were hardcore and many of his followers could not continue the programs due to the level of difficulty.

This was when Tony decided to bring together his 20-plus years of experience to make a simple cardio workout plan that works side-by-side with a balanced diet and supplement plan.

It only requires just 30 minutes per day for 90 days to give you the body you’ve always wanted.

Scroll below for one of the best products we’ve seen over the last year.

Power 90 Claims

Beachbody, the company that makes the product, states many claims about Power 90. Here is what they say about Power 90:

  • It’s much simpler, less extreme, and a much more doable workout plan
  • Although it is less intensive than Power 90 Extreme and other previous series, it’s still effective
  • Each phase has been designed in a way that your body will quickly progress
  • After 90 days, you will have a lean, strong body as you have always desired
  • You can do this program at home, during a break at work, or even when you are traveling

Simple cardio aerobics combined with a sensible diet plan ultimately results in a body that is strong, lean, and attractive.

It does not matter what your fitness level is or how old you are.

We have seen some positive reviews where the users have claimed to benefit from the program significantly.

There are also cases where results have not been as expected.

What’s Included With Power 90?

There is a total of six workouts included in two DVDs. The six workout plans are broken down into two workouts each targeted for sculpting, cardio, and abs.

The outline is given to you by Power 90, and you decide when you are ready to move into the next phase, or, you can remain in the first two-phases until you feel that you are ready to progress.

Although the Power 90 workout schedule is not an extreme program, it still requires focus and attention for successful results. We will break down the four phases of workout in detail below:

Sculpt Circuit 1-2

The most basic workout lasts around 29 minutes and consists of simple movements that help tone your body and make it strong and firm. It begins with stretching for five minutes and continues with three circuits of exercise.

In the first circuit, you are expected to do 8-15 repetitions of push-ups, biceps curls, shoulder presses, lunges and triceps moves. You need to do a short stretch after the first circuit.

In the second circuit, the movements are focused on your chest, shoulders, and legs.

You will do wide push-ups, biceps curls and chest presses along with triceps, kickbacks, squats, and lunges. You will stretch for 30 seconds after the second circuit and then move on to next one.

The third circuit is a repetition of the second circuit, a bit of a modified one where you will be doing more squats and push-ups. Additional moves like plies, dumbbell rows, and 7-7-7 bicep curls can be incorporated in this circuit. Don’t forget the final stretch out of this workout at the end.

Sweat Cardio 1-2

This phase is characterized by a slightly longer workout that lasts 36 minutes and includes cardio moves that are a bit more fun, incorporating other disciplines like Pilates, yoga, and kickboxing.

It starts with five minutes of stretching and moves on to some basic yoga moves like downward and upward dog, planks, etc.

Cardio follows yoga with jumping jacks, knee-ups, lunges, running in place, and others. You move onto uppercuts, jabs, and kicks after a short water break in between.

After cardio, you will go for a quick second water break and stretch for few minutes after that. You can end the workout by doing a variety of leg lifts, crunches, and oblique exercise as part of a 10-minute ab workout.

Sculpt Circuit 3-4

This workout is 38 minutes long and includes the moves done in the Sculpt Circuit 1-2 along with additional exercises. It is divided into four segments with stretching in between.

Military presses and incline push-ups are additional moves in segment one.

Exercises like lateral raises, pulls, and triceps dips are done in the third segment. These exercises can also be performed as the extended workout from Sculpt Circuit 1-2.

Sweet Cardio 3-4

This 42-minute-long workout claims to provide you with a faster calorie and fat burning workout, which is challenging and has modifications to the moves performed in the Sweat Cardio 1-2 workout.

The additional exercises in this workout are jumping jacks, power yoga, and several kicks. You need to stretch out in the beginning and the end of this workout as well.

Ab Ripper 100 and Ab Ripper 200

These are short workouts just for your abs. Ab Ripper 100 is four minutes in length, and 200 is six minutes in length.

These workouts can be done after the cardio and circuit workouts explained above. Livestrong has a detailed version of doing the ripper for the abs where you can do the workout with different parts of your body as well.

Bonus DVD with Fat Burning Exercise

This exercise is guaranteed to turn your body into a machine with increased metabolism that burns fat and calories. Resistance bands are used during these workouts to improve strength.

Also, the expectation is that you will keep moving continuously, with very few breaks.

Does Power 90 Work?

There are multiple claims from different users about their experiences with Power 90. However, we would love to see what the fitness world and health community says about the effectiveness of this plan. This plan requires some preparation to have positive results.

For instance, you will need to purchase some dumbbells if you don’t already have them.

As we mentioned earlier, you need to strictly follow the Power 90 diet plan which includes the necessary supplements as instructed by the trainer.

Your results will depend on many factors, beginning with the rule that you must use this product for 90 days.

The exercise plan is comprehensive and easy to follow for most people.

However, it is advisable that you do not jump through the phases without completing each stage the correct way. The results will show after 90 days.

Not all people are going to like Power 90. Some of you might get the results you have been looking for while some of you might be disappointed.

With a program like this, it is necessary that you follow the program carefully.

You must ensure that you follow not only the exercise program but stick to the eating plan as well, which might be challenging for users to do for the full 90 days.

Benefits & Results

Power 90 Benefits and Results

One of the striking benefits that we found is that the workout plan does not require any extensive accessories to get started.

All you need is some space for a workout along with some dumbbells and resistance bands -which you might already own or should have in your collection of fitness gear anyway.

You don’t have to join the gym or fitness center.

The DVD comes with a complete chart of what you need to eat for next 90 days, which simplifies your grocery planning.

You know what supplements are necessary during the workout and you can buy them before you start the program.

It is less intense than other similar plans, making it easy to conquer. It is divided into three phases, and the intensity grows gradually.

Your body can accommodate the intensity over time, which is beneficial. In other words, the plan has been designed in a way that your body starts to get acclimated to the workout plan itself.

However, some people might still find it difficult to stick with every detail of the plan.

For best results and user satisfaction, follow the program as directed.

We found some Power 90 reviews from users who used it and reported back. Most of the reviews are positive, but a few found the program to be boring.

Most of them were satisfied with the results they achieved from the program. Once again, the main issue is following a program in its entirety for 90 days.

One user gave an interesting review where he mentioned that he lost some weight and burned fat but still found the program to be boring in some phases.

Of course, every user is going to have a different experience and opinions.

Even though we like this product, we cannot assure everyone that they will get the results others have had, however, you just might.

Power 90 and Weight Loss

According to Fitness Magazine, Circuit workout has worked well to achieve fat loss, enabling you to lose up to 30% of your body fat. These claims are supported by both users and fitness experts.

The Sweating Cardio workout is not as closely related to fat burning. Fat does not burn. Instead, it gets converted into energy after being released.

According to LiveStrong, when you sweat significantly, it is not an indication of fat burning from your body. In such cases, you must be sure to remain hydrated with plenty of fluids.

How to Use Power 90?

Power 90 is workout program that comes complete with a diet and nutritional supplement plan. Because it is all on DVD, you can perform this program as a boot camp from your home.

It has been designed for someone who prefers to work out from home but wants a guided workout experience that helps them achieve their fitness goals.

It is very convenient; you just need to acquire some basic equipment and purchase the supplements and groceries that are part of the diet and nutrition plan.

Side Effects

Potential Side Effects of Power 90

Some people believe the rule of sticking with the program for the full 90 days is too difficult. You might also find some aspects of the workout to be too challenging.

Some users don’t care for the background music. If this is the case, you can always mute the volume and play your own music.

Possible side effects of Power 90 include:

  • Muscle strain or pain
  • Fatigue
  • Cramping
  • Lower abdominal pain

Power 90 Warnings

For someone who has tried Power 90 Extreme already, there’s not much to worry about. Power 90 is less intense than the X series from Tony Horton.

For new users and anyone thinking about trying out Power 90, it is always best to consult your doctor before starting this program.

Some people with injuries, back problems or other medical conditions should avoid these exercises.


How Much Does Power 90 Cost?

You will find different payment options available on the official website. It costs $19.95 per month for three months, with $12.95 shipping and handling charges. There is a 90-day money-back guarantee if you are not happy with Power 90, but it does not include the S&H charges.

Any Power 90 Lawsuits?

We could not find any lawsuits associated with Power 90.

Power 90 Alternatives

Power 90 will not help you bulk up or increase your size, so if that is your goal, then this program is probably not for you.

Not everyone is looking for a simple workout that may or may not tune up their body.

Even if you compare Power 90 vs. Power 90X, you will see that this is less intensive and athletes may not find this to be a challenging workout program at all.

You can find similar programs on the market that are a lot cheaper. Many programs are hosted online, which are helpful, and cost you a lot less money.

If you are looking for something to get you fit and transform your body, then Power 90 might be a good fit. This is a DVD-based workout, and you have to be committed and personally motivated.

You don’t have a teacher or personal trainer in your presence cheering you on, or showing you the ropes.

Some people require personal interaction for motivation.

This is a personal choice of what works best for your workout style.

What Users Are Saying

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“Great workout. Keeps your body toned.”

Rating: 3.3/5. From 9 votes.

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